‘My Two Uncles’ a significant primary reader

January 17, 2013 

My Two UnclesMy Two Uncles, an easy reader by Jeff Rivera captures the love, acceptance and understanding a nephew and niece finds with their gay uncle and his partner. Jeff Rivera takes on the socially contentious issue of gay parenting recognizing that growing up with an openly gay uncle is an increasingly common experience. Even Honey Boo Boo lovingly refers to her uncle Lee Thompson as “Uncle Poodles.” Exquisitely illustrated it’s an uncomplicated story of the daily care and protection found in the Uncles’ love.

There is a current scientific thought that homosexual men may be predisposed to nurture their nieces and nephews as a way of helping to ensure their own genes get passed down to the next generation. Studies suggest these uncles have avuncular tendencies and are significantly more altruistic toward their nieces and nephews than straight uncles. Whatever these studies go on to document there is little question the gay Uncle can play a significant role in a child’s development and outlook.

My Two Uncles may be a significant primer in answering a beginning reader’s curiosity about the non-traditional family. Children come into the world without prejudices though understandably questions will arise. Books like My Two Uncles keep the explanations simple in clearing up the confusion and opening the mind to understanding.

I highly recommend My Two Uncles not just for the beginning readers of gay parents, uncles and aunts but all because it teaches universal notions of love, acceptance and understanding.

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